Monday, January 31, 2011


Personally, I believe that the government cannot be responsible for everything that goes on at home. There must be a point where one's own responsibility must take over for their household. Now if I believed that the government functioned with all of the Christian standards and expectations, without corruption, then maybe I would say that the government should be move involved. The truth is though, the government has corruption in itself, so in an attempt to regulate all family life, there is no way that it would work and still be able to keep the rights that the government has already established. For instance, if one thinks that it is bad to swear around your children to the point of the government interfering, then this would be overstepping the right to freedom of speech. There would be too much overlap and too many different views that are held to be able to effectively control family life. Personally, a spanking is not wrong if a child is misbehaving. I believe that often people do not differentiate between a simple spanking and abuse. But this is where the government must draw the line. As far as abuse goes, the government should have terms and ways to punish these acts, but the government cannot be responsible for every act that takes place in a household. It would be in the government's best interest to involve themselves in acts that are abusive or dangerous, and avoid the little problems within the home. In the Bible, the head of the household needs to take responsibility for their family. I believe if the government was based off of Christian principles, then I would be more encouraged to allow them to work within family life. What is taught in the home should be regulated by the responsibility of those with authority: the parents.

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