Friday, February 18, 2011


Since Sarah is a Secular Humanist, this makes since. Secular Humanists revolve around the idea that society creates their own rules. This rejects the idea of any spiritual law or law that is above any other (or applicable to all of humanity). As a Christian, I believe there are far more laws beyond what the government instructs. Since we unfortunately do not live in a society that is rooted in the Bible, I believe there are not only laws put in place by the government, but also moral laws that we all should abide by. The idea of God's law is put in place even when traced back to Adam and Eve. They were put in the garden of Eden and were given one simple rule or "law" and they broke it. This is evidence of humanity's sinful nature. Therefore I do not believe that humanity should govern their own laws, but in fact we should be governing ourselves through the law that God has set for us. God is our Creator and he has set laws for us and we are subject to only his judgement in retrospect.

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