Friday, February 4, 2011

Sexist? Homophobic?

Although many misinterpret Christians as being homophobic or sexist, this is quite untrue of many. Personally, although I do not agree with the practice, it does not mean that I have a fear or hatred towards them. I just see it as a choice, and although I believe it is a sin, I too sin on a daily basis. I definately do not hate them for the Bible instructs us to love all people. Even Jesus walked with the prostitutes and tax collectors, so who are we to say that we are better than them. But under the charges of Christians being homophobic, this is very untrue. This word literally means a fear of them. Although Christians may not approve, they are not afraid of homosexual people. Christians recognize marraige as a sacred union between a man and a woman, so yes, we do not agree with their practices. As far as the sexes go, men and women were both created in God's image and both are loved equally. Although men and women are very different, we still fall under the same standards in the eyes of God. We must each take responsibility for our roles in this world because we are both called to be followers of Christ, building his kingdom in heaven and expanding his followers. Therefore, we do not discriminate between the sexes for within Genesis our roles are founded.

1 comment:

  1. I doubt you will see this comment as this is an old post, but I will say this anyway. I agree that most Christians are not homophobic. However, I disagree that homosexuality is a sin. I have never read all of the Bible, but I do Religious Studies for GCSE, and the textbook says that homosexuality itself and the romantic relationship between two people of the same sex is perfectly acceptable, but marriage is not, because with marriage comes the blessing of children and you of course cannot have children with someone who is the same sex. This also makes 'safe sex' a sin, as it is abusing the act of making a baby, and instead used as a form of gaining pleasure. So, to conclude, homosexuality is not a sin, but sexual relations with the same sex is.
