Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Standards of the Law

We as humans do not hold the rights to the laws. God is the ultimate law giver and he has made clear his laws in the Bible. Although I do believe that we have an independent responsibility to uphold the laws given to us, I believe that there is a point where we need to divide the rules given to us by government and by God. We are told in the Bible to respect those in authority, and this also means their laws. There comes a point though where we need to recognize if man's laws go against God's laws. In cases where man's law conflicts in when we are given responsibility to interpret laws on our own. We must always reference God's law above any other law and this is when we are to determine the accuracy of the two laws lining up. Overall we must have discernment in a fallen world and we must constantly strive to live for Christ and this means following his law above all else.

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