Monday, March 21, 2011

Abortion. Question #3.

How is funding troops similar to funding a woman with intentions to kill her child? Troops are called to defend their country, to prevent any damage to their home. Troops are often called in response to some sort of attack on their territory. Abortion mothers, on the other hand, intend to take the life of an innocent child in order to take away any discomfort for themselves. Although it is true that taxpayers fund both of these causes, the causes are still completely different situations. On the other hand, murder in our country is illegal. If the unborn is infact a human, then abortion would be classified as murder. Therefore our tax payers are paying for women to murder their own children that are very much alive. Of course people opposed will vote against abortion, but why keep silent and leave it to the polls. If the public is not aware of what abortion really is, then how can one make an educated decision for or against it. Abortion IS the killing of an unborn human being who is growing and forming just like we all have. The majority of the public would oppose a child that is being murdered on the street corner. The majority of the public would speak up against such an event in order to prevent and punish it. Why then do the majority of the public sit still while children are being killed daily. Silently voting can only do so much.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, don't get sidetracked by assertions. There is only one question in this debate, what is the unborn? You started to deal with this and then got sidetracked. 32/40
