Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One world, secular government?

If this one world, secular government believed in the innate good and perfectability of people, the laws itself could potentially disagree with our standards as Christians. Having a secular government would mean that all the laws would be created through non-biblical terms. Society would be forced to live under a law that does not line up with the Bible. Not only would this strip the majority of individual thought, but the "rights" that are created by this government would have no foundation. Where do these "fundamental rights" come from if there is no greater power. Who can define good from bad if there is no structure beyond what is man-made. Therefore this would ultimately illiminate any ethical codes for all people. The government would be ran from certain political agendas for all people. Although many believe that this would essentially bring about equality and the ideal government, a one world secular government would eliminate any change of individualism for we all would be held under the same secular standards. And since secular standards do not come from any higher power or any religious aspect, these standards would be coming purely from the ideas of a sinful human being. Expecting the best out of humanity is not always the smartest route to take. The corruption within this kind of a government would be endless, and the majority of society would not stay under these laws, for they have no ethical or moral reason to stay under them.

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