Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Muslim Laws

Although Islam and Christianity have similar views of theism, there are many differences as well. Islam recognizes Allah as the ultimate lawgiver who has complete control over their fate. Therefore they are held to certain standards of the book of the law and these are extremely strict. Their good and bad are weighed accordingly to determine their ultimate fate and this also will add to the following of the law. Differing from Christianity (where God is merciful to his people and he loves them) Allah is just the ultimate judgement who is impersonal. This type of faith lacks all forms of grace. The laws given to the Islam faith are extremely strict and expected to be followed in accordance with Allah's provision. So although we both answer to an all powerful being (although Islam's is impersonal), there are many differences. The Quran and the Hadith are the basis for their faith whereas we look to the natural law that we believe is divine as well as the written law given to us in the Bible. As Christians we are given freedom within the bounds of God's law whereas the freedom of the Islam faith is extremely restricted. Therefore the Islam and Christian view of law differs greatly.

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